Sunday, November 27, 2011

Own Yourself

There are some things you should never ask advice on. Some things should not have input from outside sources because these things are about you and you alone.

Don't give anyone the chance to tell you how you feel. Whether it is about a person or a place, an object or an idea, what you feel about any given thing belongs to you. Don't offer it up to someone to taint and manipulate. Don't let pretty words and enthusiasm change what you know- in your heart, in your head, in your very soul- to be true. Don't ignore your conscience or your gut. That feeling in the pit of your stomach is there for a reason, and too often we dismiss it. Don't.

Don't offer your dreams up for destruction. Your goals in life and your ambitions and what you want to do and where you want to go... All of these things are objectives that you set for yourself. If you want to achieve something, anything at all, you have to be willing to weather all kinds of criticism. And your dreams and goals won't survive the struggle if they aren't even yours to begin with.

Figure out what you want and stick to your guns. Because if you let someone tell you that you feel this and you want that, you've already lost yourself.

Own yourselaf, whatever it takes.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Don't You Dare

Starting again shouldn’t be as hard as it is. In fact, it isn’t nearly as hard as we think it is.
Pretty soon, the person before, the one that started everything only to end it anyway and necessitate the act of starting again, is soon gone from your memory. Obviously, things like Facebook make it difficult to start over. Constant status updates or their name on your chat or a stray comment here and there definitely make forgetting that much harder.
But starting over must first begin with an end. So detaching yourself is of tantamount importance. There’s really no going back, so that means there is no reason to not move forward.
And in moving forward, you begin to forget. Soon you forget the sound of their voice. The exact timbre and tone fades, then the lilt of a question, even the way they said your name… Though that is the hardest to forget, it does fade with time.
Then goes the exact color of their eyes. That look they gave you, the one that made you melt inside and wonder just what it was you were getting yourself into, that fades with the shade of green or blue or brown that made their eyes special.
And then you think about it a bit, and you can’t remember the shape of their face, or the angle of their cheekbones, or how the separate elements of their face fit together to make the face that is uniquely their face, the face that made silly expressions or sarcastic looks or sly smiles that made you wonder just what they were thinking.
And just like that, they’re gone. No longer can that face torment you in your thoughts, as you think and ponder and agonize about some nonsense that you can’t change… and probably wouldn’t change, even if you could.
Suddenly, moving on just isn’t that hard. Because maybe you realized that no amount of regret will change the past. Or maybe you came to the conclusion that they weren’t worth the effort of your agonizing. Or maybe somebody else came along.
Maybe somebody came along who was different than the one before. Taller or shorter, smarter or simpler, more relaxed or more athletic, maybe kinder and more sincere. Maybe closer to that which you actually needed, despite what you may have thought before.
And then there are possibilities again.
But don’t you dare hold back. Don’t you dare make reservations, just because of the person who came before. They’re not worth it, and this new person doesn’t deserve to get just part of you because you’re scared.
Don’t be afraid to let go and tumble into the unknown once again.
Life is about taking chances and making choices that don’t always have clear outcomes.
Take a step forward, and another. And whatever you do, don’t ever look back.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Live Like You're Dying

It’s funny how often we see interviews and quotes and movies and books about living each day like your last… And not one of us will do so until our deaths are staring us in the face.
“I’ll just get through this year, then I’ll start following my dreams…”
“I’ll finish school and then I’ll live like there’s no tomorrow…”
“I’ll help my friends get through this and then I’ll start living for myself…”
Bull. Shit.
Get up. Get out. Live your own damn life.
One day, your life will flash before your eyes. Will it be worth watching?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dreaming of Stars

I think clearest in the middle of the night.
There is no pressure. No one to tell me what to do, or what not to do. Nobody to contradict me or put me down or hurt me. Not a soul to limit my imagination or reign in my dreams, lest I be carried away by the possibilities of something others could not fathom, or never dared to.
There is something comforting about the stars. The sun, so gaudy and bright and overwhelming, seems so blinding and unyielding in comparison with the soft twinkle of light that is millions of years old.
I am most confident in the middle of the night.
My goals and my dreams lay spread out around me, each visible and tangible and real, if only just out of my reach. No one to snatch them from the canvas of my mind, to pull them apart and toss them at the feet of practicality.
I love the night.
The only danger is that of the impending dawn, where light casts doubt on all of my best laid plans, where others are awake and opinionated and all too ready to drag me down from the heavens.
There is no stopping the onslaught of day. The sun of everyday life and nine-to-five jobs will shove its way into the scene, obliterating the stars and my dreams along with them.
But every night, the stars return. Every night, they slowly and cautiously take the stage before the cosmos and dare to wheel and dance across the sky, shining resolutely into the curtains of black.
Dare I join them?

Monday, October 3, 2011

By the Numbers

Today, I had the strangest epiphany. I have lost myself. Today, I looked at the reading assignments, and the homework assignments, and the writing assignments. And at the top of everything I turn into my TAs, that may or may not be seen by my professor, I write my student identification number. That nine digit code, consisting of an A followed by a random conglomeration of eight numbers, that is my identifier. And as I stared at this code, I realized that I am no more than a number to a lot of people.
Even as I type this and go to post it to the world, such as it is, I am still just a number. The 78th follower on Tumblr. The 452nd friend on Facebook. My fire and my opinions lose their potency as they are reduced to size 12 Arial font, homogenizing my thoughts and feelings with others’ announcements of what they had for lunch.
We can blame the digital age all we want for the lack of intimacy in our relationships. But what it gets right down to is people. The internet makes it easy and so we become lazy. Why drive all the way to a friend’s house to surprise them when you can just Skype? Why take long walks on trails through the woods, talking about anything and everything, when you can just Facebook chat? We are losing our ability to relate to each other through anything besides text abbreviations and emoticons.
Despite the slight hypocrisy of posting this almost anti-technology rant, I encourage you, if you actually read this far, to do your best to reconnect with the people you know on a face-to-face basis. Remind yourself who that person is every time you get a text from them, or a message. Remember what they look like, how they talk, their quirks and virtues. Reacquaint with the world through your own eyes, rather than a computer screen.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Change isn't Hard, Reason Is

“I can change.”
No. No, you cannot. At least, you cannot change the parts that necessitated this argument. This whole situation is because of the pieces of you that are so much a part of you that to change them would be to change who you are. And that is not right.
With these words, you immediately thrust the responsibility onto me. Telling me that you can change, that you will do so just to make me happy, is manipulative and cruel. What kind of person would I be if I allowed you to change the fabric of your being just to please myself?
It ultimately comes down to the fact that we just won’t work. However, now all the blame is on me, because I was unwilling to change. Because I was unwilling to give it another try. Because I believe that me being myself and you being yourself is more important than me being with you and you with me.
You shouldn’t change for me, because I am a constantly changing person. Evolving and adapting, accepting and challenging. To change for me would not only be blasphemous, it would be an eternal battle, one that you are sure to lose.
Do not be so quick to determine that you should change for me. And do not expect me to condone such a violence to your person, or to accept the responsibility of stripping you of yourself. Because you shouldn’t change for me, or anyone else.
You should change for you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Far More Dangerous Choice

There is a very distinct feeling you get when it suddenly occurs to you that you are not nearly as important to a person as you thought you were. First, of course, there is the denial. No, this can’t be so. They would never do this to me. I know them. I know that this is not who they are. But the more you think about it, the less sure you are. Then comes the rationalizing. There must be some explanation. There has to be a reason. Some extenuating circumstances led to this. No, they wouldn’t do this on purpose…
Don’t be naive. You took a chance on this. You gambled it all. And despite all the hopes, in spite of the uncharacteristic optimism, regardless of just how much you put into this, that which you dreaded from the beginning drops on you with no warning. And that choice you made seems to be the worst mistake you’ve ever made. You knew that this was a possibility. Maybe deep down you knew that this was inevitable, no matter what you tried to tell yourself. You knew exactly what it meant when you looked at your options and chose the one that scared you most. You knew exactly what the consequences could be. And you made the choice anyway. And it blew up in your face. And you’re left feeling as if everything you thought was right turned out to be dead wrong.
But that does not mean that you made a mistake. It does not mean you are pathetic, or stupid. It means that you are brave. It means you have the courage to take risks, to make gambles, to be a daredevil. In all of this, you have only one responsibility. Do not lose your courage. Do not let one misguided, ungrateful person hinder your ability to love, and be loved. Do not give them the satisfaction of damaging you. Because they are not worth it. They have already proven that they did not deserve the chance you took on them, do not give them anything more than your pity.
Be strong and stay risky. Life is nothing if not unpredictable, and there is no comfort in giving up. There’s no point in existing if you aren’t going to live. Take chances, make choices, risk it all. Leap off a cliff so high you can’t see the sea below, because it’s worth the danger. Take all that you know and toss it to the winds, see it scatter in all directions and come to rest in ways you would never have expected. Do not let one heartbreak stand in your way. All of the barriers that prevent you from doing anything and everything are the ones you allow to stop you. Once you realize this, the future is yours. Take it.
I highly recommend it.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Human Element

My generation makes me ashamed.
The cruelty that my so-called peers are capable of truly brings me to my knees in anguish. Such inhuman horrors are inflicted on the helpless every day. And very little is done to stop it.
The subject has been exhausted, or so the media thinks. Very little news time is given to yet another case of bullying or one more sad suicide. Perhaps that is because it happens so often that it is no longer news. Just another human life lost to the ravages of time. This, too, shames me. For we have lost our empathy, and apathy is spreading like a cancer.
To all of you out there who think it’s a joke, that it’s all in good fun, that no one could possibly take it seriously, to you I say this: you should be horrified with yourselves.
Pushing some boy into the lockers because he’s smaller than you, because he reads books, because he’s smarter than you, because he’s gay - you should be ashamed. How dare you take someone else’s life into your own hands and reduce it to humiliation? Where is your compassion?
Your own inadequacies and insecurities do not give you the right nor the justification to drag a girl down because she is different. Because she doesn’t wear make-up or like boys. Because she’s not like you and the girls in your clique.
Your belief in God does not give you the power to play Him. You are not judge and jury to others merely because they do not believe in your God or practice your faith. You have no right to persecute someone because the Bible says they are wrong, or because the Qu’ran states they are infidels.
Every day, young men and women are driven to the ultimate edge of humanity because of the antics of everyday people who tease and torment with no thought to the consequences.
You disgust me. And you should be disgusted with yourselves. Because at the end of the day, we are all human beings. We owe it to each other to respect each and every person that crosses our path. We can’t possibly know the full extent of our actions, and so we must do our best to be kind and empathetic and human.
To those of you who stand up, for yourself and for others, I say only this:
Thank you.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Political Defiance

Dear Democrats and Republicans who claim to represent the interests of the American people,
What in the name of all that is sensible are you doing in DC?
When did we stop being Americans? When did we start splitting ourselves just for the hell of it? “Oh, it’s all the Republicans’ fault, they won’t let us tax more.” “No, no, it’s the Democrats’ fault, they want to keep spending money on ObamaCare.”
Stop pointing the finger at somebody else and get your shit together!
Yes, this is an angry rant. But my god, the nation should be in uproar. Has no one noticed what just happened? The government just raised our debt ceiling. In addition to this, they are making $900 billion in immediate budget cuts. AND they created a ‘super committee’ charged with cutting the budget buy an additional paltry sum of $1.2 trillion. And if this committee is unsuccessful by November 23rd, and if the Democratic Senate and Republican House don’t pass it by December 23rd with no allowed amendments, that amount in cuts will automatically be made across the board with no concession to ANYTHING.
Now, I approve of the deadlines to get shit done. It’s long overdue. What I don’t approve of is why it was necessary. Congress just sat on its fat ass for months, pointing fingers and arguing, all the while trying to discredit the opposing party and raising money for their re-election campaigns. And so they pissed away all of their time until they had no choice and shoved this bill down our throats.
Is this what we have left to us? Is this what our once great nation has stooped to? Bickering amongst ourselves for hours on end, meeting no goals and making no compromises? Has our country fallen so far that our lawmakers can shamelessly shove the American people down in their bids for re-election?
What the hell happened here?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Oh, the Places I'll Go

I’ve traveled a lot more than the average person. Many people I know have never left the state, let alone the country. But I love going places. San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Newport, Hilton Head Island, Chicago and Oklahoma City are some of my favorite places in the United States. My favorite places of all time include San Juan, PR; Acapulco, Mexico; London, England; and the Bahamas. Many of these are on the following list of places I would like to go to. They’re not in any particular order.

Acapulco, Mexico (again)
Sydney Australia

Sydney, Australia

Puerto Rico (again)

I’ll probably end up working in NYC, so this is rather inevitable, but it’s on the list

London, England because I’d love to see it again

Dubai, UAE

Italy, especially Rome. Vatican City included (even though it’s not technically part of Italy)

Paris, France. Because you just have to go there.

Spain, including Barcelona, Madrid and basically everywhere else

Greece, including such monuments as the Parthenon
The Orkney Islands, where my mother’s family is from
Egypt, including the Pyramids at Giza, the Valley of Kings, and the Museum in Cairo

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Heathenistic Grumblings

My cousin and I were walking around Mackinac Island a couple weeks ago when two guys stopped us and asked if we had time to talk. We thought they were going to hit on us. As it turns out, they wanted to talk about God. We were not interested in spending such a lovely afternoon talking about religion, and we sent them speedily on their way.
I love the questions that religious people ask you.
“Have you found God?”
I have too much wit for this kind of question.
“Why, no, I haven’t. If you find him, tell him I say hello.”
or better yet,
“You lost Him?! Oh no. Okay, I’ll go this way and you go that way. We’ll spread out and look for Him.”
Your religion is your business. My religion is not. It is none of your concern whether or not I have made peace with God. My belief (or lack thereof) in God is not something you should worry about. Saving me is not your responsibility. God must have far more important things to do than worry about my faith in Him.
Do not tell me I am going to hell. Because I will certainly reply with some sarcastic comment perfectly designed to piss you off. You have no knowledge of my life, or my afterlife, so keep your assumptions to yourself.
I have no interest in arguing with you. There would be a lot less animosity in the world if everyone were not so hellbent on making other people agree with them. My beliefs are my own. I believe in helping people because you can, and because it’s the right thing to do. Not because I’ll get a ticket into heaven if I do. I would bet God would agree with me, but that is an assumption I’m not willing to make.
I have better things to do than contemplate what will happen when I die. I am determined to live, and to not waste this life on worrying about the next.
Good day to you, and leave me the hell alone.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

One Simple, Disastrous Choice

There’s a very distinct feeling that you get when you finally realize that the person you want most might just feel the same way about you. It’s not in your heart; it’s so much more widespread. It travels through all of your limbs in a split second. It feels like electricity, tingling in every cell of your body, scrambling your brain and making your heart race.
It’s not even that good of a feeling. It’s a strange mixture of one part excitement and nine parts terror. Real, incapacitating, freeze-your-every-move terror. That realization that something may actually come of this.
And then after that electric feeling of realization comes the inexplicable urge to run. Where does that come from? You wanted this. Didn’t you? But you’re not sure. You were never sure. You never stopped to consider that this could actually happen. You were lost in the moment, the rosy glow of having a crush on someone you thought you could never have. It didn’t hurt to think about them, to talk to them and laugh with them if you could never and would never have anything more than friendship.
And then everything changes, with the smallest of things: a confession, a phone call, a text message, even a smile. And then, suddenly, they’re within your reach. Suddenly the world is open to you, in a way you hadn’t thought possible. And in that moment, when everything has changed and your life is now full of possibilities… in that moment, you have a choice.
On the one hand, you can choose the safe choice. The innocent, pass-it-by, path of least resistance. The easy choice, where you can ignore the fact that your existence has been turned upside down and inside out and where you can pretend nothing has changed. Stay friends, keep talking, continue laughing. Disregard that sinking feeling in your chest, the quiet voice in the back of your mind. Refuse to think about the what-ifs, the if-onlys and the could-have-beens. Determine the future with one carefully-crafted response to nudge away the opportunity with blunt-force trauma.
It is your choice. This isn’t cowardice. But it’s damn close, especially in comparison with the other hand. The hand that holds heaven on earth, if only you have the courage to take it.
The other choice is the one that scares you. The risks involved hardly seem to justify themselves. Choosing this path ruins any real chance of keeping that person as a friend, if anything goes wrong. The number of possible outcomes is dizzying. There’s just too much that could destroy everything. After all, you, of all people, know just how fragile the human heart is. And what if you’re wrong? What if you misinterpreted? What if you misunderstood? What if they don’t actually return your feelings? What then? Maybe it’d be better to go with the safe path.
But if you don’t act, if you don’t choose to risk everything, you’ll never know what could have been, what should have been. Twenty years from now, the things you’ll regret most are the things you didn’t do. There’s no point in existing if you aren’t going to live. Take chances, make choices, risk it all. Leap off a cliff so high you can’t see the sea below, because it’s worth the danger. Take all that you know and toss it to the winds, see it scatter in all directions and come to rest in ways you would never have expected.
Reach for something that’s beyond your fingertips. Dream about something that escapes your imagination. Love someone who’s out of your league.
All of the barriers that prevent you from doing anything and everything are the ones you allow to stop you. Once you realize this, the future is yours. Take it.
I highly recommend it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Long Lost Ideals Part Two

As of yesterday, Osama Bin Laden is dead.

It's been nearly ten years since the attack on our nation that shook it to its very core, the unwarranted murder of thousands of American citizens. Ten long years, during which America forgot. America forgot. For weeks after 9/11, all you could see were American flags. Ad campaigns flooded television, "We will never forget." We stood up as a nation for the first time since World War II. We screamed our defiance for all to hear. The world power that had for so long lain dormant lumbered to its feet and stood tall, swearing revenge.

Until yesterday, we had forgotten this.

Now, our President holds his trophy aloft for the nation to gawk at. "Look," he says. "Look at what we have accomplished!" And the country looks, and the country sees, and the country shouts and cheers and stomps its feet. And yet, there is something there that gives us pause. Indeed, rumors had flown for years about whether or not Bin Laden was even alive. Multiple reports claimed he was dying, slowly but surely, of some terminal disease.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm glad that bastard is dead. But there is more at work here than we yet realize. Bin Laden was old, he was dying, he was retired. So yes, we killed the man who orchestrated 9/11. Justice has, in a sense, been served. But our work is not done. No, our work is far from done. Bin Laden has long since been replaced. All we've done is take out the bogeyman, the figurehead, the physical manifestation of America's hatred of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. His work will continue, and attacks of terrorism will not stop because of his death. 

Be proud to be an American. But also remember just what that entails.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Men to Capture a Feminist's Heart

To be completely and brutally honest, which I am, I could be considered intimidating at best, bitchy at worst. One of my suitemates from my freshman year in college joked that being intimidating “weeds out the unworthy.” We laughed at that and thought it very funny, but if it were true, not a single man out there is worthy. My best friend insists that I’m just too picky. It may be true, as I do have quite a lofty idea of what the perfect guy should be like. But because describing him would just be too difficult, I’ll just give my top 10 favorite male characters.
Todd from Easy A
Despite being Emma Stone’s leading man, this great guy has a part that could (almost) be described as small. But he is such a sweetheart, always there to be the main character’s rock, and way cute. He’s respectful, thoughtful, and funny, but not overbearing or controlling. He’s just simply awesome.
Emmett from Legally Blonde
He’s totally a sweetheart, very smart and supportive. Not overbearing or controlling, but not a wuss either. Good-hearted and cute.
Dmitri from Anastasia
Yes, he’s argumentative and combative and totally frustrating, but he’s always looking out for you and he’ll definitely come back to help defeat Rasputin.
Prince Char from Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
The BOOK, not the movie. Char’s film counterpart was an arrogant idiot. No, the real Prince Char is completely and totally good. A true best friend, intelligent and challenging, but also caring and loving.
Brigan from Fire by Kristin Cashore
This guy is completely awesome. Strong, determined, and very clear on the differences between right and wrong. He’s thoughtful and smart, angry about all the right things and ready to take on the world.
Malcom Reynolds from Serenity
Gun-slinging, Reaver-killing, verse-saving Mal is a pretty awesome guy. Headstrong and stubborn, to be sure, but his heart’s in the right place.
Rick Castle from Castle
You may notice that this character is played by the same actor as #5, Nathan Fillion. Maybe I just have a thing for him, but these two characters are very different. Castle is a very successful novelist, working with the NYPD as a consultant and for inspiration. Despite his lack of a badge, he is totally awesome and helps his partner, Kate Beckett, out in a number of life-threatening scrapes. He’s in love with her. He just doesn’t know it yet lol
Adam from No Strings Attached
I am enough like Natalie Portman’s character in this movie to appreciate how awesome Ashton Kutcher’s character is. He totally puts up with all her quirks and commitment issues, and is completely sweet (as well as handsome).
Dexter from, well, Dexter
Dexter is the shit. No doubt about it. Aside from being a complete badass, as well as being a psychopath, Dexter is also surprisingly good at being engaging without looking fake. That’s more than I can say about most guys. Dexter’s not gorgeous, of course, but he does exude this altogether confident persona that makes him surprisingly attractive. That and the fact that he’s a serial killer who only kills other killers. That’s pretty legit.
Seeley Booth from Bones
Booth tops my list for several reasons. This man, played by David Boreanaz, is hot. Yes, it is one of his many notable qualities. But aside from his good looks and great body, Booth is everything a man should be, especially when it comes to Dr. Temperance Brennan. (They’re in love with each other, they just haven’t admitted it yet). Like #3, he accepts his partner’s quirks with grace. He’s strong and determined, very stubborn at times but his heart is always in the right place. He’s very sensitive and caring, and dead-set on putting bad guys away. If Seeley Booth existed in my life, I do believe I would marry him, no questions asked.
There you have it. These are my top 10 men, so to speak. My mother assures me that there’s someone out there for everyone. For all of us singles out there, I certainly hope it’s true.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dreams Not Denied.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
The caged nightingale would always be free.
Our hopes and our dreams would not be denied.

When would-be heroes turn coward and hide,
The downtrodden know, with cold certainty,
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

If only one brave soul had stood and had tried,
The end of our suffering, we would see.
Our hopes and our dreams would not be denied.

But this is a world full of greed and of pride,
Devoid of hope, goodness and honesty.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

It is time to prove that our strength has not died,
nor has our courage or will to be free.
Our hopes and our dreams would not be denied.

It is time one person leapt up and cried,
"We must live, we must fight, for you and for me!
Our wishes are horses, beggars will ride.
Our hopes and our dreams will not be denied."


Monday, February 7, 2011


On a campus as large as Michigan State's, it is inevitable that you'll meet people. But it is also just as likely that you'll see someone on the bus or in the caf and then never see them again. Why don't we ever wonder about that? It had to be some out-of-the-ordinary act, whatever that person did to end up at your bus stop. Did they get lost? Were they trying something new? Decide to wander, explore? Why today? Why that time? What inspired them to change their everyday lives and take a new way to their 10:20 class? What made them go back to their routine? Did they not like that bus? That stop? That caf's food? The questions will probably always go unanswered, as you'll never see them again anyway. Unless.

Unless you go out of your way. For no apparent reason, to try something new, to meet new people. We break our daily routines and we break the monotony that has subconsciously ruled our lives. What if you take the 30 bus instead of the 33? What if you eat in Landon instead of Snyder-Philips? What if you walk down Farm Lane instead of Red Cedar? What if you catch the 11:07 bus instead of the 10:59? What will you see? Will it make you laugh? Cry? Think? Who will you meet? Will you see them again? Does it even matter? Would it change your life? That's a little bit of a stretch.

But is it?


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

There's nothing quite like a snow storm.

You can always tell when one's on the way, whether you've seen the weather reports or not. Whole cities seem to hold their breath, the silence before a storm. But in this case, it was the storm of the century.

Honestly, it had more hype than it was worth. While it delivered the promised 10-15 inches of snow, the deadly ice and dangerous wind were surprisingly absent. Even so, the anticipation was enough to shut down Michigan State University, which is a difficult feat, let me tell you. The last time the university closed for snow was in 1975. The only other instance was in 1967. A total of three snow days in the course of school history. College gives new weight to such days, and students welcome it with far more enthusiasm than K-12 students, which is hard to do.

On Munn Field, thousands gathered for a snowball fight in the dark. Snowmen were erected across campus. Snow drifts were hollowed out and made into forts. Other gargantuan piles were the stage of epic battles for King of the Hill. Messages were written with footprints. Snow angels graced the sidewalks. And university classes were canceled. 'Twas quite a day.

Thanks be to snow.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

For the Love of Lucifer

Hello to the random web surfers who have landed on my site by accident.

I'm not sure how you got here- hell, I'm not even sure how I got here- but welcome to my blog. Nobody I personally know is aware of this site of mine, but perhaps that'll change in the future.

Well, where to start? I can come off a little strong. Even people who've known me for years are often surprised at how vehement I can be about certain subjects. But for the most part, I keep my controversial beliefs to myself and avoid making a scene when I can.

For example: a couple years ago, a girl at my high school was working on a persuasive paper for a lower level English class. She asked me to edit it, because I tend to tear writing apart and force it to be better than the shit they give me. I look it over, tear it apart, give it back to her and think nothing of it until her posse confronts me about my godlessness. Now, her paper was shit, by the way, and did nothing to convince me to change my views from pro-choice.

So her group of friends, regulars at the local Sunday school brainwashing, took my edits of her paper as proof that I was a baby killer and had probably already had an abortion. The girl herself actually called me the pro-abortion reincarnation of Lucifer.

I was rather flattered.

For the record, I am not a baby killer. And I am not "pro-abortion." For all you ignorant bigots out there, there is no such thing.

Call me whatever you want. I can take pretty much anything. I am a pro-choice, independent, feministic, confident, godless bitch. I think that about covers it. I don't give a damn what anybody thinks about me, I'm secure with my body, appearance, and mind.

As for why I created this blog, I'm not really sure what inspired me to broadcast my views to the internet. Maybe because, as I mentioned, I keep most of my big opinions to myself rather than offend my friends or acquaintances. I guess this will be an outlet for my suppressed angst, where I can air my dirty laundry and laugh a little in the anonymity of it.

So if you're still with me, I hope you enjoy my outspoken, and often heathenistic, views on life.
