Sunday, November 27, 2011

Own Yourself

There are some things you should never ask advice on. Some things should not have input from outside sources because these things are about you and you alone.

Don't give anyone the chance to tell you how you feel. Whether it is about a person or a place, an object or an idea, what you feel about any given thing belongs to you. Don't offer it up to someone to taint and manipulate. Don't let pretty words and enthusiasm change what you know- in your heart, in your head, in your very soul- to be true. Don't ignore your conscience or your gut. That feeling in the pit of your stomach is there for a reason, and too often we dismiss it. Don't.

Don't offer your dreams up for destruction. Your goals in life and your ambitions and what you want to do and where you want to go... All of these things are objectives that you set for yourself. If you want to achieve something, anything at all, you have to be willing to weather all kinds of criticism. And your dreams and goals won't survive the struggle if they aren't even yours to begin with.

Figure out what you want and stick to your guns. Because if you let someone tell you that you feel this and you want that, you've already lost yourself.

Own yourselaf, whatever it takes.


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