Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dreams Not Denied.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
The caged nightingale would always be free.
Our hopes and our dreams would not be denied.

When would-be heroes turn coward and hide,
The downtrodden know, with cold certainty,
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

If only one brave soul had stood and had tried,
The end of our suffering, we would see.
Our hopes and our dreams would not be denied.

But this is a world full of greed and of pride,
Devoid of hope, goodness and honesty.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

It is time to prove that our strength has not died,
nor has our courage or will to be free.
Our hopes and our dreams would not be denied.

It is time one person leapt up and cried,
"We must live, we must fight, for you and for me!
Our wishes are horses, beggars will ride.
Our hopes and our dreams will not be denied."


Monday, February 7, 2011


On a campus as large as Michigan State's, it is inevitable that you'll meet people. But it is also just as likely that you'll see someone on the bus or in the caf and then never see them again. Why don't we ever wonder about that? It had to be some out-of-the-ordinary act, whatever that person did to end up at your bus stop. Did they get lost? Were they trying something new? Decide to wander, explore? Why today? Why that time? What inspired them to change their everyday lives and take a new way to their 10:20 class? What made them go back to their routine? Did they not like that bus? That stop? That caf's food? The questions will probably always go unanswered, as you'll never see them again anyway. Unless.

Unless you go out of your way. For no apparent reason, to try something new, to meet new people. We break our daily routines and we break the monotony that has subconsciously ruled our lives. What if you take the 30 bus instead of the 33? What if you eat in Landon instead of Snyder-Philips? What if you walk down Farm Lane instead of Red Cedar? What if you catch the 11:07 bus instead of the 10:59? What will you see? Will it make you laugh? Cry? Think? Who will you meet? Will you see them again? Does it even matter? Would it change your life? That's a little bit of a stretch.

But is it?


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

There's nothing quite like a snow storm.

You can always tell when one's on the way, whether you've seen the weather reports or not. Whole cities seem to hold their breath, the silence before a storm. But in this case, it was the storm of the century.

Honestly, it had more hype than it was worth. While it delivered the promised 10-15 inches of snow, the deadly ice and dangerous wind were surprisingly absent. Even so, the anticipation was enough to shut down Michigan State University, which is a difficult feat, let me tell you. The last time the university closed for snow was in 1975. The only other instance was in 1967. A total of three snow days in the course of school history. College gives new weight to such days, and students welcome it with far more enthusiasm than K-12 students, which is hard to do.

On Munn Field, thousands gathered for a snowball fight in the dark. Snowmen were erected across campus. Snow drifts were hollowed out and made into forts. Other gargantuan piles were the stage of epic battles for King of the Hill. Messages were written with footprints. Snow angels graced the sidewalks. And university classes were canceled. 'Twas quite a day.

Thanks be to snow.
