Thursday, August 25, 2011

Political Defiance

Dear Democrats and Republicans who claim to represent the interests of the American people,
What in the name of all that is sensible are you doing in DC?
When did we stop being Americans? When did we start splitting ourselves just for the hell of it? “Oh, it’s all the Republicans’ fault, they won’t let us tax more.” “No, no, it’s the Democrats’ fault, they want to keep spending money on ObamaCare.”
Stop pointing the finger at somebody else and get your shit together!
Yes, this is an angry rant. But my god, the nation should be in uproar. Has no one noticed what just happened? The government just raised our debt ceiling. In addition to this, they are making $900 billion in immediate budget cuts. AND they created a ‘super committee’ charged with cutting the budget buy an additional paltry sum of $1.2 trillion. And if this committee is unsuccessful by November 23rd, and if the Democratic Senate and Republican House don’t pass it by December 23rd with no allowed amendments, that amount in cuts will automatically be made across the board with no concession to ANYTHING.
Now, I approve of the deadlines to get shit done. It’s long overdue. What I don’t approve of is why it was necessary. Congress just sat on its fat ass for months, pointing fingers and arguing, all the while trying to discredit the opposing party and raising money for their re-election campaigns. And so they pissed away all of their time until they had no choice and shoved this bill down our throats.
Is this what we have left to us? Is this what our once great nation has stooped to? Bickering amongst ourselves for hours on end, meeting no goals and making no compromises? Has our country fallen so far that our lawmakers can shamelessly shove the American people down in their bids for re-election?
What the hell happened here?

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